Michael D. Garritson

...and his mother Marjorie

Feces-Matted Ruby King Charles Spaniel

<That is FECES hanging off that ear...>

Below: Quote from "Canine Auschwitz" that demostrates just HOW innocent Marj Garritson is in this entire affair:

Mr. Garritson has made several trips to Crufts over the last few years to purchase dogs, accompanied by his mother who also breeds ET's. When asked about this situation, she is reported as saying "I have no control over Michael, you know you just can't tell kids what to do". Also, "...he has pristine facilities and it was unfair of them to raid him at 7AM before his kids had time to clean the runs". I guess the kids didn't have time that morning to comb the mats out of 150 dogs, clean the urine and poop out of the crates, wipe the mucus out of 300 eyes, feed the malnourished puppy who subsequently died, treat the ear infections, give medicine for the coccidiosis which the Shelter had to treat everyone for, put ointment onto the eyes swollen from injuries, or pick the ticks off the dogs in those "pristine" facilities. The newspapers reported this as "a family operation run by three generations". 
Michael's mother Marjorie (a real estate agent) seems to think that she can intimidate her way into having her name removed in relation to this activity that she perpetuated.  Well, not all of us are intimidated by her.  I applaud those who stand up to her threats, which are empty, as this is all factual and/or opinion.  One has no grounds for a lawsuit on the opinion of another.  This is NOT slander.  This is a family with some serious sociopathic problems!  The NUT didn't fall far from THAT tree!
Marjorie Garritson --Michael's mother--(kennel name Chasen) continues to claim ignorance of the situation despite the fact that she showed dogs with him and is listed as a co-breeder on some dogs, lives approximately 20 minutes away, and has many grandchildren by him, one of whom designed her website.  She has used dogs that he bred and owns dogs that he bred.  She claims to have no control over what her adult children do.  I guess that means she also couldn't pick up the phone to call Animal Control herself to protect those dogs.  

 Animal Cruelty Case

Superior Court Judge David Ryan, presiding in the preliminary hearing of 51-year-old Michael Garritson, said "these animals deserved better."


(Updated May 11, 2003)

365 Days in custody, stayed for 3 years on the following terms and conditions: 

  1. Do not violate any law (excluding minor traffic laws);
  1. 4th Waiver (person, property, residence, vehicles, possessions), with or without probable cause by any peace officer, humane society, or animal services officer;
  1. Give a key to any/all locked gates at your residence/property to San Diego Department of Animal Services Officer John Carlson;
  1. Fine:  $500 (Go to SAAU to set up payments forthwith);
  1. Do not own or possess more than two dogs or live at any location where more than two dogs live or stay.  Any dog must be neutered or spayed;
  1. 40 days custody; stayed on the condition that defendant complete 20 days public work service by November 1, 2003.  If 20 days PWS is not completed by November 1, 2003, Defendant will serve 40 days in custody with credit for the actual number of days of PWS actually served;
  1. Pay full restitution to San Diego County.  The amount of restitution will be determined at a restitution hearing to be heard in Department 24 on July 11, 2003 at 1:30 PM;

DA’s brief to be filed by June 20, 2003.  Defense brief to be filed by June 30, 2003. 

  1. Have absolutely no involvement in breeding any animal or bird of any type.  No exceptions;
  1. Do not belong to or participate in any activities of any Kennel Club or dog related organization;
  1. Judge Mills retains personal jurisdiction regarding any violations or probation.

"Canine Auschwitz"

Please read this accounting by Kit Rodwell.  This provides an invaluable perspective. 

by Kit Rodwell as published in Dogs in Review  and The Royal Spaniels.   Reprinted with permission.



provided by Dept. of Animal Services

English Toy Spaniels                           93

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels           40

Yorkshire Terriers                                17

                                  TOTAL                    150


Preliminary Hearing Notes

Plea Bargain

News Articles


King Charles Spaniel Club (UK) to conduct independent investigation no later than June, 2003.  Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club continues to deny wrongdoing of prominent members who supplied the dogs that started this atrocity.


Listing of Dogs :

English Toy Spaniel through Rescue

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels

Yorkshire Terriers & English Toy Spaniels through Humane Society of San Diego


Photo Courtesy NBC San Diego

Suppliers of dogs...HALL OF SHAME:

Amantra (Diane Fry &Tracy Jackson)                                  

Marsward (Marilyn Tuesley-Chambers)  

UK Export Records

AKC Records of Amantra & Marsward Dogs



Donation information:

The donation account has been closed.  For all those who have contributed, we wish to extend a heartfelt THANK YOU!  THANK YOU!  THANK YOU!  THANK YOU!

Sammy & Gracie

Sammy, whose hair still fails to grow back in.  Click on the link above to read about his story and that of his little Ruby friend, Gracie.  Hang in there, little friends...your life has just NOW begun and it will be a great one!

Please support upholding ETHICS and MORAL OBLIGATIONS.  If you are interested in my opinion, please feel free to read it.

Thank you for your support.  If you wish to contact me, you may do so at this address:



Terri Chapman

Grafenwohr, Germany